Couples Therapy

2131891813Ice-cold distance best explains the relationship.

A pattern of arguing has emerged, replacing enjoying each other’s companion with avoidance or walking on eggshells.

Distance has snuffed out the spark and chemistry of your relationship – physical and emotional intimacy has become trapped in a deep freeze.

A shift has occurred with one or both partners having thoughts of ending the relationship.

Disconnection is the norm. Most conversations lead to a vicious cycle of criticism.

Looking for a fight is the norm.

In the past, you enjoyed witty banter, flirting, and closeness. Now, an argument can break out at a moment’s notice.

No topic seems safe to avoid an argument – harsh words, aggressive tones, and insults are common.

Defensiveness is your first response instead of compassion and empathy.

More doubt is piling up, and a feeling that the relationship is doomed starts to grow.

1885495261Conflictual emotions are in control.

Love and hate co-exist, and hate is getting stronger.

Distrust, betrayal, infidelity, and changes in values all lead to a massive grand-canyon rift. The differences used to be endearing and now intolerable.

Contempt has appeared and is taking root, and the destructive communication patterns are watering contempt while love is withering.

Now, the only thing to look forward to is time apart.

The wall keeps getting higher.

With criticism, defensiveness, and contempt firmly rooted – there is now a wall up to communication and spending time together.

Exchanging words is minimal, and there is no sharing. Conversations only occur when necessary.

Burnout and toxicity cannot continue, and all attempts to repair the relationship have failed.

A juncture in the road presents a choice – either break up or go to couples therapy.

1686395206Here’s a guiding hand.

Calling in an expert is a brave first step; we must first discover if both parties in the couple want to continue the relationship or break up. Not all relationships are savable.

Couples committed to working through criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and toxic silence can learn a new language that waters compassion and empathy.

Learning to communicate constructively replants the seed of love as you toil together and tend the garden, which can lead to growing love.

Couples can expect to establish healthy boundaries through hard work in and outside sessions and reignite physical, emotional, and sexual intimacy.

Let’s work together to remove the wall, shorten the distance, and regain what was lost.

Contact me today!