Grief and Loss

325609028Living without the one you love is unbearable.

Your loved one has passed away, and the weight of grief and loss is suffocating.

Sadness, anger, shock, and fear are stealing your meaning, purpose, and joy.

Contemplating life without your loved one is daunting and creates waves of shame, guilt, anguish, and despair.

You’re convinced that if only you could have done more, your loved one would still be alive.

Suppressing and staying silent is eating you alive.

You don’t talk about your loss out of fear that others will find you a burden.

A fake smile hides the pain that boils beneath and robs your energy.

The body is twisted in knots of tension, and even daily tasks take monumental effort.

Staying silent and keeping it secret is not sustainable; something must change.

111795962Life is just endless gray skies.

Eating has reduced to a minimum; you just aren’t hungry when a pit of despair is twisting in your gut.

Chores and hobbies have been abandoned because they remind you of your loss.

Avoidance has become a constant; you believe it avoids the waves of sadness and tears.

Still, the pain keeps increasing and seems to be intensifying. You cannot hold it back any longer.

Therapy can help you pick up the pieces of your shattered soul.

It seems impossible to believe, but research shows processing and expressing emotional pain over time can help you breathe again.

Your therapy will dive into emotional pain and hurtful thinking patterns and help you harness healthy coping strategies.

As we process thoughts and emotions, we can slowly gain agency over the debilitating pain.

Together, we will find how you can best self-regulate and live a thriving life once more!

Contact me now to schedule!